NLTS Conference Ministries
P.O. Box 311963, Atlanta, GA 31131
Phone:(678) 793-7374
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The Holy Trinity
We believe in the Triune God Who exists in three distinct personalities.
*God the Father, WHO is the Creator of ALL creation.
*God the Son, Jesus Christ, through Whom creation is made and
reconciled with God.
*God the Holy Spirit Who indwells those who have accepted
Jesus as their personal Savior.
Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and confess Him as their Savior will be saved!
*Christ is the standard by which one is saved as their own human efforts are incapable of earning them the right to eternal life. Salvation is based solely on the work that Jesus completed on the Cross. It is granted by grace through faith to those who freely respond to His invitation to salvation.
*They are "born again" (spiritually made new) as the curse of sin is broken at which point they are sealed by the Holy Spirit forever more.
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Along with His Spirit, the Bible is God's primary mode of communication with His people. Of its forty writers, the Bible teaches that "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" for about 1,500 years.
God maintains authorship of His Word!
Prayer is the believer's primary mode of communication with God. It is a spiritual discipline that will grow as they grow in Christ. As with any other relationship, the lack of communication is adversarial in a believer's relationship with the Lord.