NLTS Conference Ministries
 P.O. Box 311963, Atlanta, GA 31131
Phone:(678) 793-7374

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           Thank you for visiting NLTS Conference Ministries!  If your questions regarding our 
     "Authentically You"
self-care conference have not  been addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us at or at 678/793-7374.
"Authentically You"

NLTS  Conference Hosts
 "Authentically You!"

"Authentically You" Women's Conference is a virtual fellowship dedicated to providing a sense of direction and hope for the needs of women.  

Whether it is giving attention to self-care or navigating emotional and spiritual trauma, all will be encouraged and empowered to move forward! 

"For it was You Who created my inward parts.  You knit me together in my mother's womb.  I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  marvelous are the works of Thy hands and that my soul knows well!"

Psalm 139:13-14
Mistresses of Ceremony

Thank you!
"Authentically You!"
NLTS  Conference Hosts
"Authentically You!"
"Authentically You"

"Authentically You"
"Authentically You"
"Authentically You"
Founder I NLTS Conference Host
NLTS Conference Host I Founder 
NLTS Conference Ministries
WCEG Network TV